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Top 10 Characteristics I Would Love in My Dream Woman

This is my first top ten list on this website so I will try and make it a good one.....

10. Listening to the same music or simliar tastes in music--It'll be really awesome if both of us can dance (or headbang) to the song we happen to love. As long as it isn't dubstep or the majority of today's Top 40 music I'm fine with it.

9. Has friends and family to support her like I do--It's a great to have a woman that has a great relationship with her family and friends just like mine.

8. Dark Hair/Brown Eyes--I love a woman who is mysterious and totally the opposite of me when it comes to looks.

7. Understanding of My Strengths and Weaknesses--There's nothing better for me than for a woman to help me enhance my strengths and conquer my weaknesses.

6. Nerdy and Sexy--I'd say being a nerd is awesome so there's no "but" about it. There's plenty of women that are nerdy and sexy (i.e. Olivia Munn and Valerie Perez)

5. Interests--Even if she has interests that I have little to no interests, I'll be there for her and vice versa. If we both happen to have simlar interests, it's even better.

4. Intelligence--I never really had an intelligent woman in a relationship before. However, I would love to have a woman with a strong mind. She doesn't have to be Enstein or Edison, but it would be helpful if she has great knowledge of certain subjects that we are both into.

3. Sense of Humor--I don't want to be with a woman who takes herself WAY too seriously. I like it when she makes light of herself because I make light of myself all the time despite having autism and depression. Nothing much better for me than a woman who loves comedy since it's the ultimate afrodistiac.

2. Going out in style--I never went out with a woman who wears heels and a dress on a date before. Then again, I never wore a suit, tie, and dress shoes so I like to try out as well. I would love to dress up and see my lady decked out as well on a date.

1. Commitment to be with one another--I'm never a ladies' man in ANY KIND of form because I always want to be a one woman guy. If that one woman exceeds my expectations, then there is no point in finding another woman. I would love for her to be my best friend and partner until the end of time.

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