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5 Characteristics I DON'T want in a woman!

The total opposite of what I want in a woman!

Since I did a top 10 list of things I would love in a woman, here are five I don't want in the opposite sex....

5. Pretend to be somebody they are not to the point of parody: We all have things that we want to be or don't want to be, but we all have to deal with the things one thing or another. Pretending to be someone you are not is NOT one of them and it's the one thing I don't tolerate!

4. Being loud for the sake of being loud: If you are going to use your "12" voice, do it for the right reasons like watching a Seahawks game with me! Don't be a ball breaking bitch just because you want to. I love women who express themselves, but not in a schoolyard bully sort of way. This isn't junior high/middle school. I may be autistic, but even I know where to draw the line!

3. Cheating and/or being compared to other past boyfriends: It's one thing if you miss your ex boyfriend/husband, but it's another to keep comparing me to your past lover(s). I'm here to be myself and be as good of a husband/boyfriend/suitor I could be and not trying to be a carbon copy of your past.

2. Being WAY too clingy: I don't mind being attached to somebody, but there is a certain point where I'll feel claustrophobic when you hold on to me so much. Just remember, I'm autistic and it scares me when people especially women get carried away to the point of near stalking.

1. Ignorance: It's bad enough dealing with male ignorance, but ignorance of a woman is a TOTAL turn off for me. You can be the most beautiful woman on the outside, but when it gets down to it and you have nothing to offer but your looks it's not going to go well for us as a couple!

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